Geo & Domus Group
Mobile mapping
Topographic assistance
Civil engineering
One idea. One great team. Skills and professionality.
Geo& Domus Group was born from the idea to work as a group, combining, everyone’s skills to success technological and professional challenges.
What we do:
Ci occupiamo di:
Mobile Mapping
Civil engineering
Land management
Road design
Architectural and structural design
Construction site management
Expropriation procedures
Geo & Domus Group Companies
Topographic assistance
From 1997, we focus on surveying engineering including topographic services and urban development planning.
Civil engineering
Our company Geo & Domus Infrastructure offers the customer all the design and construction phases about the infratructure you need
Our streghts
Leader in Mobile Mapping
Unique top quality technologic equipment in Italy
Complete assistance
Management of the orders from initial measurement to the post (laser scanning, topographic surveys, Mobile Mapping) to the post work monitoring
Topographic measurement with laser scanners
We operate with the most performing Laser scanners supplied by GAIA GROUP partner in ILM and our knowledge about laser scanners is beyond expectations.
Latest news
Our latest works
In our new section Portfolio you can find the list of our most recent works. In the same section you will find links our experiences archive and the list of our main clients.